Anger Management Counselling is the professional process of assisting a person to:Image of fist to convey need for anger management

  • Understand the source of their anger
  • Learn how to manage their anger
  • Discover how to redirect their emotions towards a healthier path

Anger is an essential part of our evolutionary equipment. It’s an emotional response to ill treatment or one’s interpretation of a situation as offensive. It is also the way a person indicates he or she will not tolerate certain types of behaviour. However, out of control anger can, and often does, bring on long term physical and mental health problems. Increased heart-rate, blood pressure and levels of adrenaline and noradrenaline contribute to our physical decline if triggered consistently over period of time.

Anger management counselling is a structured and respectful process and is provided by one of our senior counsellors, Natalie Prior at Canterbury Healthcare.

Peaceful image of stones balancingAnger Management Course in Canterbury, Kent

The Canterbury Healthcare specialised anger management course is structured over four weekly sessions. It teaches you how to explore, own and change your self-defeating behaviour.  You also learn to identify how relationships from the past and the present play their part in dictating your response to certain circumstances.

Call us on 01227 903 503 to book onto our Anger Management Course or to book a session with senior therapist Natalie Prior

7 Tips for helping yourself manage anger

We often only recognise our need for help with anger management when things get very difficult for those around us. Try a few of the anger management tips below and contact us for professional help.

  1. Stop, count and breathe – at the first sign of anger building up. You may notice your heart beating faster or you are clenching your fists. Stop and count to ten. Breathe slowly. Breathe out for longer than you breathe in and feel your body relax as you breathe out. This will allow you to think more clearly and overcome the impulse to lash out.
  2. Exercise – moving your body will help to move the energy of your emotions. Regular exercise has long been associated with an improvement in well being.
  3. Get enough sleep – ensuring that you get enough sleep each night is beneficial for your mind and body. A body and mind deprived of sleep is much more likely to have uncontrolled emotional responses to life.
  4. Cut down or cut out drugs and alcohol – these can and often do make anger problems much worse.
  5. Spend time in nature – going for a walk in the woods, through fields, a park or at the beach has a beneficial effect on the body and on your mood. It gives you time to breathe in the fresh air and calms you.
  6. Be Creative – painting, writing, dancing, making music in fact any kind of creative practice releases tension and helps reduce feelings of anger.
  7. Talk to someone you trust – talk about how you are feeling. Look at how you are thinking, you may need to re-adjust the unhelpful patterns of thoughts. Blaming and shaming yourself or others will only make things worse. Call us on 01227 903 503 for professional counselling on this.